Site Relaunch


With great excitement and a flourish of digital fanfare, Ninex, Pixel, Kasper, and Stormer herald the dawn of a new era for our noble gaming guild! Behold, the grand unveiling of our guild’s website, now reborn like a phoenix from the ashes of the old! We’ve embarked on a quest to forge a portal that not only radiates the splendor of our community but also serves as a beacon for all the latest chronicles and revelations of our guild.

To commemorate this auspicious occasion, we’re orchestrating a cavalcade of exhilarating events and majestic promotions. Prepare yourselves for an odyssey of fun, camaraderie, and the chance to claim glorious treasures!

Behold the Festivities Awaiting You:

  1. Daily Login Graces: Each day, grace our digital domain with your presence and be bestowed with bountiful rewards. Fortune may smile upon you, bestowing chances to win prizes of legend!
  2. Tournaments of Valor and Competitions of Wit: Test your mettle in our grand tournaments and cunning competitions. To the victors go the spoils – prizes worthy of song and story!
  3. Conclaves of Livestreaming and Lore: Join us in the ethereal realm of livestreams, where you can commune with esteemed gamers and master developers. Peer behind the veil of creation, ask your deepest queries, and bask in the knowledge of the gaming sages.
  4. Quests of Community: Unite with your guild brethren in challenges that will test our collective strength and cunning. Together, we shall overcome and reap rewards that honor our solidarity.

Mark your scrolls and set your celestial reminders! The revelries begin with the rise of our new website. We eagerly await your presence in this grand celebration.

I extend my deepest gratitude for your unwavering loyalty and fellowship. Together, let us embark on this unforgettable journey and etch our story in the annals of gaming history!

In eternal camaraderie,


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